Thursday, August 12, 2010



When we became the team leader, our challenges increased with the responsibility.

Kindly look at problems positively. When Heaven above wants to test us, it will be done based on our ability- Easier challenges for those with lower ability, and tougher challenges for those with higher ability. If one is able to cope with the challenges, we should praise and inspire him to move on faster. Remember that “We should be vigilant with all praises”.

Always strengthening self-preservation and seeking improvement amidst stability. We have to go through hardships to realize ours true personality and it is also during such trying times we see the true character which is hidden under normal circumstances. To Quote another saying: “Distance tests a Horse's strength, so time reveals a person's heart.”

If there is a problem, it means there is a lack of ability. When there is worry, it means the wrong application of methods. Difficulties, whether due to the fault of others or through our own wrongdoings, can be turned around to benefit us instead of causing us harm if we possess the right mindfulness. Worry, regardless of its origin and root cause, can actually be converted to bliss if the right solution is applied to resolve the problem. This may be easier said than done, but we could slowly start by learning from small matters.

The people who dampen our spirits are merely providing us with the nutrients for growth. The negative words and deeps of others are actually positive learning material for us. If we are not affected by hardship, pain and adversity but instead use them to our advantage, then we have indeed learned a wonderful way to achieving great success.

If we can help others, we are blessed. Raise the candle higher to bring light to others.

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