Thursday, March 4, 2010

Stepping Up to Responsibility

It has often been said that the function of leadership is to produce more leaders, not more followers. Leadership does not necessarily mean reaching a certain level in our business. It is a quality that starts from the moment you agree to start your own business.

Wherever you are, whoever you are - when you become an Amway Distributor, you become a leader.

While everyone knows 'a leader leads', a leader also needs to learn and grow. It becomes too easy to ignore that fact when you have achieved a level of success and you are showered with accolades and tributes. All of it is deserved. Absolutely. You have done tremendous things to achieve your goals. However, in the Amway business, it is the ability to acknowledge your potential and take it to the next step that is every bit as important as your most recent accomplishment.

As a leader, you have the ability to influence many people who are looking to you for a leadership example. In many ways, those people are putting their futures in you hands. That's why it is even more important for you to continue to learn, and to personally grow in your business.

Whether you have reached some of the highest recognition levels at Amway or whether you are just starting out in the business, it is important for you to know that we appreciate you. We appreciate you for the level of leadership you continue to deliver regardless of your level of recognition. We appreciate you for the leadership you continue to show and for the way in which you are building the Amway business.

You are all building and establishing a reputation for which all of us can be very proud.

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